
Helpful Hints On Personal Loans Are you thinking of taking out a personal loan! If the answer is yes then you have to ask yourself some questions first. This will make sure that the loan you choose is the right one to suit your needs. Below are some of the most common questions you should be asking. Do I really need a personal loan? You have to ask yourself if the purchase you are about to buy is necessarily, as you may have this debt for a year or two. Can I afford to takeout a personal loan? This is properly the most important question you will have to ask yourself, debt advisers says that a non- mortgage monthly repayment debt should not be anymore than 5% of your net income. This is the total you walkout with after tax, say you take home £2000 a month then the most you should be paying back is about a £100 a month. How much should I borrow? Most lenders offer a cheaper APR on a larger loan; each lender has their different levels of interest rates and will change ...